
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

theatre review MACBETH, Southwest Shakespeare Company, January 10

Tina Mitchell and Terence MacSweeny
Click here for my complete review at Talkin' Broadway of Macbeth.  The Southwest Shakespeare Company's production is now playing through January 25th.

"William Shakespeare's Macbeth is the story of a power hungry couple who choose murder to fulfill their ambitions. Southwest Shakespeare Company is presenting a bold production of the play with striking creative elements, assured direction, and a pretty top notch cast, including Tina Mitchell as Lady Macbeth, who is giving a stellar performance.

Ultimately, Macbeth is the story of ambition, what people will do to achieve it, and the aftermath of those actions. It is a moody and complex play full of many emotional moments, some of Shakespeare's most famous lines of dialogue as well as some gruesome elements, too. The Southwest Shakespeare Company production is powerful and effective with clear direction, sleek design elements and a fairly well cast group of actors including a wonderful portrayal of Lady Macbeth."

Southwest Shakespeare Official Site

Photo: Mark Gluckman/ Southwest Shakespeare Company


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