Monday, March 21, 2011


Welcome to the official launch of my site/blog.  Here you'll find reviews of the musicals, movies and tv shows I've seen as well as a lot of other Broadway stuff - so that's why I'm calling it Gil's Broadway Blog!

It's been an extremely LONG 14 days in the making - (that was a joke) - and I'm happy for the suggestions and help I've gotten along the way.   I've tried to find the best clips from YouTube and cool pics to add to each posting.  I've even got my own Amazon store- how cool is that? Some things are still "in process" -couldn't get everything finished in time for my launch today, so check back later for my entire "lifetime of theatre going" section as well as my fully fleshed out Amazon store.

Take some time to look around and let me know your thoughts on what I'm writing and if you have any suggestions or recommendations you'd like to see me blog about.   You can click on the "About Me" tab on the right to email me.

Who knows?  Maybe just like the "the Julie/Julia " blog someone will turn my blog into a movie starring Meryl Streep as me!

You can become a follower of my blog, just scroll down on the right side to sign up.  If you want to comment on anything I post, just click the "comment" button at the bottom of a post- select "anonymous" from the "comment as" drop down box if you don't have a google id, type your comment and you will then be asked to type a security word to verify you aren't a spammer - simple process - easy process, so comment away!

Zuzu saying "see Daddy, I am a pretty girl"

That's a reference to Gypsy, btw for all of you straight, non-theatre loving friends of mine

WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. i will be a regular reader i can't attend plays but i can thru you i am stright and i knew the line

  2. GREAT JOB, GIL! The video links, the photos, everything -- what a lot of work you've done and what an incredibly chock-full blog! There is definitely something for everyone here, love the humor and love your sweet girl ZUZU!! (Zuzu's petals, right?!)
    Wishing you much success!

  3. Excellent blog. Love the different types of things you post about. Keep on blogging!
